So I'm a very bad blogger.....It's official.
The truth be told i have found myself in a bit of a blogging rut since we moved to Malta. I have started many post's but finished none (except this one i hope!) The main problem is my lack of sewing machine and supplies.
I'm finding that one day is very much like the next at the moment. I never thought I would find myself complaining about the heat, but it really has been too hot. In the high 30's/40's most days, although the temperature has dropped the last two days and there have actually been a few 'grey' clouds in the sky this morning...apparently we are set for storms this weekend!
Due to the insufferable heat and the mountain of a hill we have to walk up to get home from a trip, we are spending most of oer days as follows...

Mornings at the beach, the playzone (indoor ball park with air con!) or walking along
the promenade.
Then home for lunch by 1pm.
Then 2hr nap (for me too!)
Followed by an afternoon of me chasing The Whirlwind round the flat with a potty hoping
she will poo into that, and not on the floor! (thank God for marble floors!)

We have also become somewhat obsessed with the Disney Movie Cars, and by 'we' i mean The Whirlwind. She is not happy unless she has watched it at least 8 times a day. Literally from the moment she wakes till the moment she goes to bed at night she goes on about it...''Watch Car's now mummy?''...''I'm Lightning McQueen''...''I'm the fastest, just like lighting McQueen''...''Lets race, c'mon Lightning McQueen''....On and on she goes! So far she has managed to manipulate a Lightning McQueen toy car, bucket and spade and cup and plate set out of us. But she can spot the brand images from 50 paces and it is EVERYWHERE.....I guess its the 'Boy's' Equivalent of Disney Princesses (whom she doesn't even bat an eyelid at!

Our evenings are where it has all come alive....We have had lots of dinners out and barbeque's with friends, one of the biggest adjustments living out here has been the fact that the children are all up late. Ruby comes 'everywhere' with us and it has taken me a while to figure out how best to handle this, as her routine in the UK had her in bed at 7pm on the dot, without fail. This is the time we tend to go out in the evening's here. She would be fine for the first hour (but we are an hour ahead here anyway) then she would enter the manic zone...you know the zone where they are tired but don't want to give in to it, so just go manic, and wont sit still...Not fun when your in a restaurant (a restaurant full of other children all sitting nicely without making a peep!)
But I think she is getting used to it now, Later naps for her and more alcohol for me has resulted in us being a lot more chilled out of an eve now.

There is a mother and toddler club starting up next week which we shall be going along to with some friends that we have met, and then the week after that we are actually going home for a week. I am very excited about this trip as i intend to spend the whole seven days glued to my sewing machine....and it will defiantly be coming back to Malta with me this time.
Looking out my window it is actually raining right now, that's the first time in the eight weeks we have been here that it has rain. I think i will have to take The Whirlwind out to jump some puddles!
x K