Isn't it funny the way which having Children change's us!
I'm not just talking about the head on collision with gravity ( boobs, bum and tum!)
The inability to drink more than 1/2 a glass of wine without feeling smashed!
The loss of all sense of time! I only gave birth yesterday, so she cant be 20months already!....Yet haven't i known her all my life!
Nor the complete loss of marbles.....
Supermarket cashier - '' that will be £65 please madam''
Me - ''Bollox I've left my purse at home!''
'' Shit and my door keys!''
'' F**k AND my phone!''
And I'm not even going to mention the complete lack of fitness and the near coronary attack after walking 1/2 mile up a 90degree hill to wait 20mins in the cold with a bad tempered baby for Nanny to come home with a spare key!
I'm talking about an inability to watch horror/ disaster movies without balling my eyes out and having nightmares for a week!......even if the film is really crap or supposed to be funny!
Because i do not want my baby to drown in a tidal wave, get eaten by a vampire or turn into a zombie!
x K
N.b This post was inspired by Sundays 'Doctor Who' and yesterdays viewing of '2012'
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