We have been here in Malta now for nearly 3 weeks now....I would have blogged sooner but the last week at home and the first week here were Mad! ( and I've been too lazy in the heat!)
Now i knew it would be hot...but it is REALLY REALLY REALLY HOT.....EVERY DAY!!! The Whirlwind is getting more golden brown with blond streaks by the day.

Our apartment is lovely....So much space The Whirlwind loves it...there is a big long hall-way with motion sensor lighting which Roo loves running up and down ( and us adults have had a few drunken games of 'How far can you get up the hall before turning the lights on'...so far i win!)
If you want to have a total snoop around then click here
I have finally managed to get my bearings and everything is pretty much 'up-hill'!...even to get back down hill you seem to have to go up hill!!!and with the heat...Man i have sweated in places i didn't know you could sweat! This all seems to highlight how totally unfit i am...but i am pushing a chunky toddler in a pushchair people, so feel free to come give it a go if you think you can do it better!
Luckily though everything is very close we have tried out several swimming spots now....Most of the 'beaches in Malta are actually large rocks, some are very child friendly some not so! there is a man-made pebble beach called Georges bay about 20 minutes away which is very nice, but yesterday i found a strip of sandy beach between the rocks right at the bottom of our hill. it has crystal clear waters and quiet a shallow stretch....Perfect!
It has been 21days 8hrs, 34 mins and 17 seconds since i last used my sewing machine...but lets not dwell on that!( sobs uncontrollably for 10 minutes! and wonders WHY OH WHY did i leave without it!)
I have however found a sewing supplies shop within walking distance (down hill!...but have to go up hill to get back home again!)
And THE BEST FABRIC STORE EVER....We went looking for throws to protect the leather sofas from sun cream and found HEAVEN in the name of JB Stores....Unfortunately i didn't have my camera that day but it was 4 floors, floor to ceiling of every type of fabric you can imagine......I have told Neilyboy he has to drive me there at least once a week so that i can stroke the velvet and fluff the taffeta or i will never have sex with him again!
I bought some DORA THE EXPLORA fabric to make curtains for The Whirlwind room as i was SOOO NOT enjoying the 5am sunrise wake up calls!!!
These are a total cheat on the curtain making front. All i did was do a large hem at the top to push the pole through and hemmed the bottom all using wonder webb ( bonda webb) and the sides are selvage edge so no sewing required at all. I do however have enough fabric leftover to make a pillow case so that may require a needle and thread!
As its a rented apartment there's not much i can do decor wise, but I really want/need Roo's room to have a bit of her character stamped on it, so there is a danger i will go soft furnishings crazy in there!
There's not going to be much craft talk round these parts for a while, although i was given the number of a woman who teaches crochet/knitting classes which i am quit interested in finding out about.
I will however try to keep up frequent posts as this country is so beautiful and has such fantastic buildings. It is a Catholic country which = lots of stunning churches and cathedral's everywhere. Walking around feels like being in a time-warp as even the newer builds have a very Gothic feel, so i hope to take lots of pretty pictures to share!

x K