Neilyboy has been warming up the new apartment in Malta for 4 wks now. The Whirlwind is definitely missing him, as am I. He will be home with us this time next week, and then the following week we all fly out together to start our 9 month adventure.
I am starting to get quiet excited now, mostly that our little family will all be back under one roof. Skype has been a total Godsend as it has allowed The Whirlwind to see her daddy at least a couple of times a week and have endless babbling conversations where she talks him through an entire episode of Dora the Explora without the fear of an extortionate phone bill!.I must say that it has not been as much of a strain as i thought it might be, mostly because we have kept ourselves as busy as possible. This afternoon was the first time we have stayed indoors and did NOTHING for over 2wks, (I didn't even unbolt the front door from last night!)
The evenings have been the hardest for me, as that's when Neilyboys absence is most noticeable....Who would have thought i would miss being ignored whilst he watches the world cup footie, soooo much!
So to keep myself occupied in the pm i have gone in to a bit of a dress making frenzy! I have sewen up 2 since Wednesday evening and have cut the pieces out for 3 others.
I blame Amanda from
KitschyCoo! She has a
sale on at the moment and i just 'HAD TO HAVE' 2 of her patterns......The Mini Mod dress and the puff sleeve smocky top, (the smocky top pieces are what are on the cutting table, though i have lengthened them to make dresses)
The Mini Mod Dress....Red brushed cotton (gives a velvety feel)

Michael miller farmers market print in the box pleat...( this is one of my favourite prints but i have never used it in clothing before...I love it!

The Whirlwind doing her best 'wicked man' hand flick.
The dress size is 18m-2T...Now Roo is quiet a chunk so Amanda's patterns are quiet generous as this fits her nearly perfect! Not only is she a chunk, my baby is also tall, so its just a fraction of a bit shorter than i would have liked.....basically i should have taken Amanda's advice and made it in the 3T/4T to give growing room. but although i am aware the Whirlwind is big for her age, subconsciously i hate to add years on my baby (she is only just 26mths remember!) so continually make things up in a 2T instead of a 3T and then have no room for growth!

The dress will easily last her through the summer though (with the addition of some leggings), but doesn't it make the most perfect Christmas dress! I will just have to make another one for December( red cord or velvet???) in the next size up.

Now for more shirring......Using some of the gorgeous fabric i got from my friend in the U.S ( not that you cant get it here, just she got it cheaper!)

I seriously love these little sundresses. They take about an hour to make, so are like a quick 'fix' if your addicted to making girly dresses like i sooo clearly am!

The Whirlwind loves them tooo. She told me this one was her favourite.

I have 101 projects on the go right now. I think that i am starting to panic at the thought that i probably wont have a sewing machine for a while when we move...GULP!
I have finished up the sun hats, although one She refuses to wear, the other I finally managed to wrestle off her and put in the wash, as that one she refuses to take off, and it was far to grubby looking to photograph, so next time! Also im planning on making some shorts.....Oh dear, my list just keeps getting longer!
Happy weekend and sewing folks!