Back in spring last year i spent approx 3hrs online desperately trying to get concert tickets for arguably the worlds greatest performer, 3 months later Micheal Jackson tragical died, and I will now tragically never get to see him perform live in concert :-(
For Christmas my in laws bought myself and daddy whirlwind tickets to see the
Westend musical 'Thriller live' and yesterday afternoon we set of in the car. Now we live just outside of London, it is only 30
mins drive to the city from where we live (Over an hour by train! Go figure?) and Daddy is quiet experienced at driving uptown, HOWEVER we forgot about SUNDAYS....all the shops close at 6pm on Sundays, which means that every F***er and their backpack is out on the streets and as it is a no toll day so every goddamn 4x4 is on the road.....don't even get me started on the buses and we all know cab drivers are the Devil incarnate! It took 2hr to get parked up in
Leicester square (£15 for 4hrs parking!!!!!!) The show started at 7.30 and we were given money for a meal as part of our Christmas gift, so with an hour to spare we decided on Angus Steak house ( Was least crowded looking) My lord! £18 for a bit of steak with a few leaves ( chips were extra!).......It was BLOODY LOVELY though, so
(Daddy trying to look uninterested because he hates having his picture taken)
(Me looking unimpressed at the price of our bill!)7years i worked in the
Westend, I did enjoy driving round recognising all the old haunts, venues, my old stores, For a split second i almost missed my old life! London is so buzzing and really is a very exciting city, Just don't ever try driving down Regent street at 6pm on a Sunday! Why we thought it would be a good idea i don't know! and I'm annoyed i couldn't take any picture driving round, but i was chief navigator and daddy kept telling me off for even trying to get the camera out (
you'll be pleased to know the charger issue is now resolved!)
Anyway the show was FANTASTIC. It was basically a tribute show with performers singing and dancing their way through
MJ's vast career. The performance that stole the show was defiantly Smooth Criminal....they actually did the lean! and although the 4 main singers ( 1of them female) looked nothing like
Jaco, they all kind of had his sound! However the main dancer...well if you didn't know any better!!! He had the moves down to a tee...his Moon walk was superb!
Needless to say after the stress of driving down we had a really entertaining evening. Only problem is that now
I'm even more gutted we will never get to see the real man himself!
I so love going to the theatre. I love the old buildings and the Lyric theatre was really beautiful, i managed to get a sneak pic of the stunning chandelier , and the wooden griffin engraved panel above the stage before the mean usher told me off.
(This one is blurred because the usher tapped me on the shoulder as i took it.)
The next show i really want to see is 'Wicked'
x K