The rules are:
1. respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own (don't feel obliged as it's quite long already!)
2. Tag eight other people.
so here goes…………
Introduce yourself and tell us a little about who you are and what you do:
I'm Kym, and i am...Ahem ....31 yrs old ( I trust this information goes no further!) I live in Hertford with my gorgeous partner and our beautiful 1yr old daughter Ruby (a.k.a The whirlwind!) Since having Roo and making the decision not to return to work as a retail manager in London west end ( honestly it took no persuasion, i just have to think of boxing day on Oxford street and i know i made a wise decision!) I have found that i have been able to take a little indulgence in my love of all things crafting. Sewing is my particular passion, and i am having great fun using Ruby as my muse! I recently opened a shop on misi
where i aim to sell some of my creations, at present i only have a few baby shoes listed, mainly because i keep making things in Rubys size and then not want to part with them, and instead of making more, i move onto another project....Ruby size!........As you can see i am really just in the hobby stage, but when i get my arse in gear i would like to take it a lot more seriously and actually make some money!
What is your current obsession?
Ohhhh where to start.........Shoes, handbags, little girls summer dresses, Cath Kidston, watching trashy American Si-Fi shows ( oh how i miss buffy! But Dollshouse is good) Facebook! Bibs, stitching perfect curves with the sewing machine ( is it actually possible!!!) Take That ( wembley 4th July here i come).....The list is endless!
What is your greatest achievement?
My Ruby'roo if anything i ever do could top her!
Coffee or Tea?
Coffee....but only decaf, Im more of a vodka lemonade kinda girl if given a choice of drinks!
What’s for dinner?
Today was like the hottest day ever! So i threw a few chicken skewer kebabs on the barbi, with roasted corn on the cob and spicy potato wedges.....deeeeelish!
What are you listening to right now?
Take That!....Have i not mentioned my date with the boys this Sat!.....Oh and Micheal Jackson (but who isn't right now...R.I.P.)
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Im not really a big ice cream fan, but id sell my soul for a scoop of Hargendaz pralines and cream!
What do you think of the person who tagged you?
I know Madam Salami from misi, She work's wonders using recycled materials. I particularly like her 'pop my cherry mini dress' sadly i fear the dress would not like me! and her fairy skirt is on Roo's wish list. She has just been asked to submit a piece of work to the 'Made in Worthing' festival and I am quit looking forward to seeing what she will get up to with her free hand machine embroidering, follow her blog here and don't forget to check out her misi store here
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Belize....The country of my birth and where all my Mothers family are....It is truly the most beautiful place on earth!
Which language do you want to learn?
Spanish! In Belize everyone speaks a little Spanish its like the second language (after English) which makes sense as it is in central America and Mexico is right next door!
What’s your favorite quote (for now)?
''Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves''
.....Dorothy Parker.
What is your favorite colour?
Pink....Not plastic Barbi, but bright fuchsia..... and Turquoise....Both together whenever possible.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
I used to work in one of the biggest clothing stores in London....I had a very nice wardrobe with lots and lots of favourites!........These days , post baby and nada monies to replenish the old stock, anything that doesn't make me feel fatter than i am is a firm favourite, and must go with jeans!
What is your dream job?
Set designer......I always always wanted to be one when i grew up......Im obviously still waiting to grow up!
What is your worst habit?
Starting something and not finishing it....and making a lot of mess along the way!
Describe your personal style?
Coor that's a hard one! Id like to think I'm a bit Boho and eclectic....( no i said eclectic NOT eccentric!) But really I'm just messy! I couldt live without my jeans and a pair of flip flops or pumps.....I DONT DO HEELS!
What are you going to do after this?
Bring the barbecue in and make some baby shoes for one of other-half's friends who's wife had a baby girl today.......scrap that, ive spent far too long doing this so now im just gonna go to bed!
What is your favorite fruit?
Mango, watermelon ( both kinds), pineapple, anything tropical (or all ingredients in a pinacolada is another way of looking at it!)
Your favorite book?
Orlando, by Virginia Wolf.....I have read it a thousand times over and each time i love it more. And more recent is The book Thief by Markus Zusak and The time travelers wife by Audry Niffenneger ( which comes out as a movie at the end of this summer so hope its good!)
What is your favorite smell?
Chrome by Azzure.....otherwise known as Neil Conner .my beautiful gorgeous blue eyed babe.
What are you most proud of?
Neil and I making Ruby!.......Our beautiful little family!
How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up?
No longer have a snooze button, but have learnt to snooze out Roo's early morning singing and babbling for a good half hour, but now she actually shouts mum mum mum mum mum mum....shes not as easy to ignore!
What's your 'claim to fame'?
Served Tom Hanks when he came to shop in my store a few years back, also David Beckham, Posh, Jude Law, Alison Hannigan,
Played clarinet solo at the schools proms in front of Prince Charles at the Albert Hall when i was 12.
Complete the following.....
Love is… picking up your other half's dirty pants off the bedroom floor! and looking at his bum when he tells you he has an itch! All be it grudgingly!!.......Ohhh i hope he doesn't read this!
What would you like to make next?
Id like to make myself a skirt, as i have this fabulous fabric which is kind of brown with a pink flur'de lis pattern just itching to become a summer number!
Phew, So now that's all done i hope you enjoyed reading all about little ol moi!
I'm only gonna tag 4 people coz i don't know that many bloggers that haven't already been tagged so
Jean at talking beads
Jo at jolicious
Tracy at Mad about bags
Amanda at Uniquely snowflake
Enjoy reading their blogs